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Membership — USJF — Richland Dojo

Richland Dojo

The Richland Dojo property is owned by the Rokkyu Society. The original society members bought the land, salvaged the upper story of a women’s dormitory then, moved and placed the building on the lot at 1930 W Saint. The facility fell into disrepair during the late 1970's and through the 1980's. In 1990 Bruce Lang, once a young student of Rokkyu instructors led the effort to restore the building and martial arts to Richland Dojo.


New Members and Uniforms

During the first month new members are expected to purchase a uniform costing typically $32 to $44 new for junior sizes and $45 to $60 for adult sizes. Used uniforms and loaners are sometimes available.


National Membership

Typically by the second or third month the student has decided if judo is their sport and should join the United States Judo Federation (USJF) and/or USA Judo. Members of other national and international organizations are also welcome to practice at the Richland club. National membership is required for participation in competition and other training events as well as to practice judo in nearly any dojo in the United Sates. The US Olympic Committee considers an organization's total membership when deciding support it will provide. All students are expected to have national association membership by their third month of practice. Compared with many other sports this membership is very low, some metropolitan soccer clubs require a $2,000 joining fee. A good deal of personal contribution is made by referees and association leadership to make possible the judo experience by way of competition, training and representation at national and international levels. Speak with an instructor about joining. Richland School of Judo (RSJ) is a USJF registered club.


Membership — Dues by the Month

The first month no dues; member buys a uniform.

Monthly club dues rate is $30 for single and $15 for each additional family member. (Current but subject to change.)


Richland Judo Club

Instructors do not get paid and perform building maintenance such as cleaning and repairs. Occasionally club members are asked to help during weekend work parties.



Judo class schedule is 6:00-7:30pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is also class with notice on Saturday from 5:30 p.m.-7:00p.m.


Other Judo Clubs in the Tri-Cities Area

Columbia Judo Club, Kennewick. Tri-City Judo, Kennewick.

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